Wednesday 7 December 2011

Appetizers Sell On Your Menu At Your Restaurant

!±8± Appetizers Sell On Your Menu At Your Restaurant

What type of appetizers are you offering your customers? If you aren't offering them at all you may find it is a good way to enhance your restaurant. After all, hungry customers can become irritable. That ten minute wait for their food can seem like forever. If they have an appetizer in front of them though they will be less likely to be keeping track of how long they wait for their entree.

There are establishments out there that offer various appetizers to customers as a courtesy. Mexican food locations are the most common with their baskets of chips and homemade salsa for dipping. This can be a part of the meal that the guests eagerly look forward to when they come in. You may need to set limits on such free items though so guests don't take advantage.

When you are designing your menu of appetizers you want to have a good selection. People have different tastes so make sure there is something for everyone to choose from. Nachos and fried mushrooms are very popular with people. Children seem to love cheese sticks that are loaded with melted mozzarella inside of them. A combination place with three or four different items is great for a large group of people as well.

You need to get your customers to take notice of your appetizers on the menu though in order for them to buy them. You want to increase sales of them all you can. Place pictures on the menu to show them what they would be missing out on. Many people will order appetizers due to the look of them on the menu.

The wait staff needs to be encouraging guests to order the appetizers as well. After taking their order they can say something along the lines of promoting them. Asking the guests if anyone would like to order an appetizer is a very simple way to do this without being pushy. You may be surprised at how many guests will decide to place such an order.

Once that order has been secured, it needs to reach the customers ASAP. There needs to be no delays in getting that food onto the table for them. They should never have to wait very long for their appetizers to arrive. If that is the case then they would have just waited for their regular meal. Some customers will decline the appetizer if it takes too long to reach their table.

Make sure guests also have silverware, napkins, and dipping sauces for their appetizers. They want to be able to enjoy them while they are still hot. If they have to wait for the staff to accommodate all their needs the food can be getting cold. Being able to anticipate what the guests need is a vital part of successfully serving them from the moment they want in the door.

If you aren't offering your customers any appetizers you really should consider doing so. This is a great way to help them have the ultimate experience at your restaurant. It can help keep children quite and comfortable too while they are waiting for their food to arrive. You will also notice it is great way for your restaurant to make more money than before.

Appetizers Sell On Your Menu At Your Restaurant

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